NetTool VoIP型网络万用表荣选Communications News产品聚焦栏目
2005-11-29    FNET   
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NetTool VoIP型网络万用表荣选Communications News产品聚焦栏目

NetTool VoIP 型网络万用表荣选 Communications News 产品聚焦栏目Communications News 十月产品聚焦栏目中的测试与监控类专栏中对福禄克网络的 NetTool VoIP 型网络万用表进行了专门报道。Communications News 评论道:“赋予一线技术人员强大的在线测试能力,这减少了必须要高级工程师才能解决的问题,也无需再使用更复杂的工具。”福禄克网络便携式网络分析产品市场经理 Dan Klimke 补充道:“NetTool VoIP 可大大缩短排除 IP 电话部署故障和解决故障的时间,利用它技术人员可以快速确定问题是出自布线、交换机端口、电话还是配置。”

Portable VoIP vision

Designed to reduce the time it takes to troubleshoot IP phone deployment, the handheld NetTool VoIP tool combines cable, network, IP phone and PC configuration testing into a single device. The power of inline testing is in the hands of the front-line technicians, meaning fewer problems are escalated to higher-level engineers with more complex tools. New features give users the ability to monitor VoIP service at the edge, enabling technicians to see into VoIP calls by connecting between the phone and the network. With this edge tool, technicians can see the quality of calls in progress by measuring the RTP stream and displaying the number of frames, frames dropped and out-of-sequence frames, and jitter. Call setup, configuration and tear-down signaling is all visible to the user.

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